Blogging Again and a Crocheted Bow!

Isn't it so cute?! It's the very first bow I crocheted! It came out perfect and I didn't even use a pattern! biggrin Super thrilled with this cutie, now I'm working on a smaller one which I am writing a pattern for so if anyone is interested I'll make it available on TransparentCarrots my Etsy store. I've been thinking about making patterns available so I'll start with cute little things that can be made into hair clips, key chains, and fridge magnets. Things like bows, bon-bons, strawberries, and cookies for starters then I'll even start small toy patterns for cute creepy guys like zombies and other awesome horror favorites like Frankenstein, the Bride, and my personal favorite Gillman! (I may actually have to start with him!!!! Gillman is so awesome!)

It's true this blog has been up for a while and I have, time and time again, deleted the content and started over. Yikes! Why? The commitment just wasn't there and honestly TransparentCarrots wasn't where it is today. TransparentCarrots is the identity I've decided to associate with my crochet work. Over the last two years I've been creating a lot of custom crocheted toys for friends and with the boom in demand for handmade goodies I've been stocking my Etsy and making a catalog of products visible on my Facebook Page.

I intend to update this blog at least weekly, so do visit again!

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